
Sheffield Union of Golf Clubs

Junior Competitions


Stroke Play from Scratch

1 The Union will hold a competition to decide the Junior Champion of Champions.

2. The competition shall be by invitation to The Junior Champion of clubs in the Union who shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January and whose handicap shall be limited to a maximum of 18.

3. The competition will be decided over 18 holes of stroke play from scratch.

4. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

5. The player returning the lowest gross score will be the Junior Champion of Champions and will receive the Junior Champion of Champions Trophy and a memento.

6. In the event of a tie for the Championship, a play-off will take place as soon as is reasonable after the conclusion of the 18 holes and those competitors involved will play off hole by holes to be decided by the Officer in Charge, until a winner is declared. All other players in the play-off will be joint runners up. 

7. All other ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in Regulations for Competitions.

8. The Union will award prizes as decided by the Executive Committee.

9. Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and not related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the Competition takes place.


Stroke Play from Scratch

1. The Union will hold a competition to decide the Junior Champion.

2. The competition shall be open to Junior members of clubs in the Union who are under the age of 18 years on 1st January and whose handicap shall be limited to Boys 24 & Girls 36

3. The competition will be decided by 18 holes of Stroke Play from Scratch and will be limited to 72 players. In the event of any entry exceeding 72 a ballot of the higher handicaps shall be held to decide which of the higher handicap players can be accepted.

4. The player returning the lowest gross score will be the Junior Champion and will receive the 'Tupling Trophy' and a memento.

5. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

6. In the event of a tie for the Championship, the play-off will take place as soon as is reasonable after the conclusion of the 18 holes and those competitors involved will play-off hole by hole until a winner is declared. (NB) The Officer in Charge will decide the play off holes. All other players in the play-off will be joint runners up. All other ties will be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for all Competitions.

7. The Union will award prizes as decided by the Executive Committee.

8. Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and not related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the Competition takes place.


Full handicap allowance

1. The Union will hold a competition to decide the Junior Boys Matchplay Champion.

2. The competition shall be open to Junior Boy members of Clubs in the Sheffield Union who are under the age of 18 years on 1st January and whose handicap shall be limited to 24

3. The competition will be limited to 32 entries. In the event of any entry in excess of 32 a ballot will be held to decide which of the higher handicap entries will be accepted.

4. The competition will be played over 18 holes off full handicap allowance. In the event of a tie after 18 holes competitors will play hole by hole until a winner is declared.

5. START TIME  (semi final and final) -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

6. The first name on the draw sheet will have home advantage and will be responsible for arranging the day and the time for the match to be played. Contact to arrange the match must be made immediately on receipt of the draw sheet. Any dispute should be referred to the SUGC Secretary whose decision shall be final. Courtesy should be given by the host Club to the visiting player.

7. The result of the match shall be notified to the SUGC Secretary by telephone immediately after conclusion of the match.

8. All matches must be completed by the specified final date for that round at which stage the draw for the next round will be completed. Any matches not played by the due date will lead to both players being scratched from the competition.

9. Prizes will be awarded to the two finalists and semi-finalists.

10 Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and not related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the Competition takes place.


Full handicap allowance

1. The Union will hold a competition to decide the Junior Girl Matchplay Champion.

2. The competition shall be open to Junior Girl members of Clubs in the Sheffield Union who are under the age of 18 years on 1st January and whose handicap shall be limited to 36

3. The competition will be limited to 32 entries. In the event of any entry in excess of 32 a ballot will be held to decide which of the higher handicap entries will be accepted.

4. The competition will be played over 18 holes off full handicap allowance. In the event of a tie after 18 holes competitors will play hole by hole until a winner is declared.

5. START TIME  (semi final and final) -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 (SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

6. The first name on the draw sheet will have home advantage and will be responsible for arranging the day and the time for the match to be played. Contact to arrange the match must be made immediately on receipt of the draw sheet. Any dispute should be referred to the SUGC Secretary whose decision shall be final. Courtesy should be given by the host Club to the visiting player.

7. The result of the match shall be notified to the SUGC Secretary by telephone immediately after conclusion of the match.

8. All matches must be completed by the specified final date for that round at which stage the draw for the next round will be completed. Any matches not played by the due date will lead to both players being scratched from the competition.

9. Prizes will be awarded to the two finalists and semi-finalists.

10 Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and not related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the Competition takes place.


Revised January 2019

Match Play off Handicap

1.  Each club may enter 1 team of 4 players.

2.  Matches can be played from early April to 31st August, matches not played by the end date will be halved.
3.  Matches can be played on any day of the week.
4.  The age limit shall be under 18 on 1st January for both boys & Girls
5.  The maximum handicap limit will be for Boys 24 & Girls 36. The 2016/2019 CONGU unified handicapping system applies (Appendix 0 Pages 92-).
6.  Clubs will be in Zones, the winner of each Zone will play in the final.
7.  For matches postponed for weather or state of the course owing to bad weather, the home club is to offer 3 dates, 1 of which must be accepted by the            opponents.

8.  Clubs shall be represented by a team of four players.

     a. A player may represent one club only during any one season.
     b. To decide the order of play on the day, teams must go out in handicap order. The visiting Junior Organiser or Team Manager should be given the course                  score card and any local rules of the course

9.  Tees on the day will be white for boys and red for girls
10. For every match won a team shall receive 2 points and for every match halved, 1 point.
11. General rules in the case of a tie on points:

       a. Matches won during the season will be taken into account
       b. If the clubs are still tied the actual number of holes won will decide
       c. If the clubs are still tied the result of the matches between the clubs will decide. 

12. The Junior Organiser of the host club is responsible for all rule decisions on the day. Additionally, the only other person who can give advice to a player on the course, apart from his/her caddy, is the person in charge of the Junior Team on the day and that person's name is to be advised to the Junior Organiser of the host club at the time of booking in. This person can be identified by the official armband.
13. Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and NOT related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A Caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the competition takes place.
14. No food or balls to be provided on the day
15. Scores to be typed and emailed through straight after the event using the attached scoresheet.

The Final

1. The final will be a Stroke Play event off full handicap over 18 holes

2. Each Team will consist of a team of 4
3. Maximum handicap limit will be for Boys 24 & Girls 36
4. The best 3 nett scores from each team will count towards that team's total, in the event of a tie the 4th players score will be counted and then, if necessary, the aggregate of the best 2 individual scores and the best individual score will decide the order of finishing. As a last resort rule 10 in SUGC regulations for all competitions applies.
5. As per the qualifying rounds, caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and NOT related in any way to the person they are caddying for
6. Junior Organiser on the day of the final can be called upon for rule decisions on the day. Additionally, the only other person who can give advice to a player on the course, apart from his/her caddy, is the person in charge of the Junior Team on the day and that person's name is to be advised to the SUGC Event Committee at the time of booking in.

JUNIOR MINI-TOUR COMPETITION (1996) (revised 2012)

Revised January 2019

1.  The Union will hold a Junior Mini-Tour Stableford competition off full handicap annually, with competing clubs in a qualifying stage being drawn in zones
2.  The competition will be open to boys & girls. All Competitors must be under 18 on the 1st January in the year of the competition. All matches to be played before the 31st August.
3.  All Competitors must have an official CONGU handicap which is 10-28 for boys and 10-36 for girls. Having played in a zone match, if, during the season, their handicap then falls below 10 they will still be eligible to play the remaining rounds of competition including the final, off their new handicap. Except in the above circumstances handicaps lower than 10 or higher than 28 for boy / 36 for girls will not be permitted to play.
4.  The 2016/2019 CONGU unified handicapping system applies (Appendix 0 Pages 92-). Tees on the day will be red for girls and yellow for boys
5.  Participating clubs will be drawn into zones for their qualifying stage events. The players with the best 4 stableford score totals from each zone, regardless of club will qualify for the final. These qualifiers for the final will be determined by aggregating the stableford points of the two best rounds played by those competing in the qualifying stage events
6.  In the result of any tie, the winner will be decided as per rule 10 in the SUGC regulations for all Competitions
7.  Clubs will be restricted to a maximum of 8 players at every qualifying zone event in the initial stage (this need not be the same 8 at every venue)
8.  The Junior Organiser of the host club is responsible for all rule decisions on the day. Additionally, the only other person who can give advice to a player on the course, apart from his/her caddy, is the person in charge of the Junior Team on the day and that person's name is to be advised to the Junior Organiser of the host club at the time of booking in. This person can be identified by the official armband.
9.  Caddies will be allowed but must be a junior and NOT related in any way to the person they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the competition takes place.
10. No food or balls to be provided on the day
11. Scores to be typed and emailed through straight after the event to the email on the scoresheet.


Stableford off Full Handicap 

1. TheUnion will hold a Junior Team Championship.

2. Clubs may enter a team comprising three players who, were under 18 years of age on the 1st January of the current year with and whose handicaps shall be limited to Boys 24 & Girls 36

3. The championship will be open to boys and girls and the 2016/2019 CONGU Unified Handicapping System applies (Appendix O Pages 92- ). Tees of the day will be Red (Girls) White (Boys)

4. The championship will be played over 18 holes stableford play and the team returning the highest aggregated points total of its three players shall be declared the winner.

5. START TIME -  It is the player's responsibility to start at the time established by the Committee. Regulation 14 ( SUGC Regulations for all competitions) applies.

6. Ties shall be decided as per Rule 10 in SUGC Regulations for Competitions.

7. The Junior Champion Club will hold the "˜Sheffield Union Junior Team Championship Trophy' for one year and receive a plaque.

8. Caddies will be allowed but must be juniors and not related in any way to the player they are caddying for. A caddy shall be under the age of 18 years on 1st January during the year in which the Competition takes place.


This Trophy, will be awarded annually to the Sheffield Junior Amateur Golfer who has accumulated the most 'Points' in qualifying competitions, matches and other events organised by the union.

Lol Morgan Trophy Points

Junior Strokeplay Championship 15  10  5  2
Champion of Champions 15  10  5  2
Junior Interclub 10  5
Junior 3 Man Team Championship  10  5
Junior Matchplay Comp. (John Jarman Trophy) 15  10  5  5
U14 Matchplay 15  10  5  5

Inter Union League (YIDU)
Foursomes Win 2  Half  1
Singles Win 2  Half  1
Representing SUGC 2
Inter Union Championship 10  7  5  3  2  1


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